My head is clogged with life challenges and the rut of daily life right now. I have a vacation coming up and I know it will be good for every part of me. (mom please don't call frantic that something is wrong...its not, just need a break.)
I feel strongly that if Kristina had not been driving to my house I would not have run. I cannot believe that I got so excited to see 77 degrees at 6AM instead of 82, but it was a nice change. A slight breeze even. That lasted until about the last 1/2 of the route then it was like a giant cloud came and sat on my head. Woof. I really am sick of the humidity.
We do have to step up the game a bit. Training for the half starts mid Sept and I need to add at least one more day of running a week if not two.
I know, my mood is a little sour. Like Eeyore. Some things to note:
*Its cloudy
*Been a Full Moon, and Yes, I swear my children know it and act a little crazy.
*may or may not be hormonal...OK I think hormones are to blame for everything.
*Hubs is still working about 50 or more hours a week, so thankful for his job, but makes for long days
*out of creative flare with the three year old. (see above)
Happy Hump Day.
I understand Sandra and I walked this morning and by the time I got to the car at 7:45 I was wet all over. Went to school outside at 9:30 wet all over again. Had lunch bunch today went out at 2;15 wet again Keep up the good work I am so proud of you as a Mom and runner I hope that you know that
Hi Bethy. Thanks for following and for commenting. I love know who is out they and actually reading. I take as more encouragement from my commenters than I could ever possibly be providing to them!
You asked about food. Hummm. You'd have to do a lot of reading to know the "rest of the story" on that issue with me however let me jump to your profile and see if you have an email. I'll drop you a note.
thanks again! Woo Hoo half training soon. That will be sooo fun. Enjoy the journey.
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