Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cross training and a Tempo run!

Check out the Kermit color green! I made it to the next level with Nike+
I heart having these graphs.
Tuesday I decided to give my legs a break and did the elliptical for 30 minutes and did some lunges and weights. I think cross training is good to mix in.
Wednesday my friends came over and we attempted our first tempo run. It was fun!! We did 10 min easy running and then 10 minutes at a pace that wasn't sprinting (so not as fast as we run those intervals...) Anyway, I kept a 9-9:15 min/mi pace for my 10 minutes. It was great! Then the last 10 minutes was easy running.
Tomorrow is...
My 30th BIRTHDAY. Thanks mom for having me eons ago.
We are also going to run 7 miles. I'm prepping my mind now.
Oh and today, I'm resting.
Check out the Kermit color green! I made it to the next level with Nike+
I heart having these graphs.
Tuesday I decided to give my legs a break and did the elliptical for 30 minutes and did some lunges and weights. I think cross training is good to mix in.
Wednesday my friends came over and we attempted our first tempo run. It was fun!! We did 10 min easy running and then 10 minutes at a pace that wasn't sprinting (so not as fast as we run those intervals...) Anyway, I kept a 9-9:15 min/mi pace for my 10 minutes. It was great! Then the last 10 minutes was easy running.
Tomorrow is...
My 30th BIRTHDAY. Thanks mom for having me eons ago.
We are also going to run 7 miles. I'm prepping my mind now.
Oh and today, I'm resting.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday, Monday, lala la la la la

Today was so much better than yesterday. For one thing it was 15 or more degrees cooler...MUCH BETTER. I felt strong the whole run! I was proud to be out running instead of getting 30 more minutes in bed (but spending all day with guilt over not doing it)
I was a little concerned about how my legs would feel because this was the third day in a row for running ( I have two more to go) It will benefit me this week because running in the beginning will give me two days of rest before and after my 7 miles (can you tell I'm a little nervous about the 7 ?)
I did discover last night that my chest felt tight and I had been coughing a bit. I decided to take my inhaler (I have a hate/hate relationship with the stupid thing!) OMIGOSH. I could breathe. I guess I didn't realize that I really did need it. Part of the hate comes afterward...Its hard to explain but I will say I don't ever have the desire to try drugs like speed or the like. I cannot stand that jittery, irritating, shaky sort of feeling. I did take my inhaler this morning and I think that helped my comfort...being able to breathe is helpful! ;)
Happy Monday!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I ran today
I do not have a graph (because I took my phone) (because I'm on call)
I couldn't figure out how to make Mr. Nike work on the phone (because techie stuff doesn't come naturally for me)
It was hot (because I live in Florida)
I walked a few times (because I didn't eat breakfast, I know.)
I was really glad I went even though I really didn't want to (because if I keep showing up I'll get there)
I ran today. (because I'm cool like that)
I couldn't figure out how to make Mr. Nike work on the phone (because techie stuff doesn't come naturally for me)
It was hot (because I live in Florida)
I walked a few times (because I didn't eat breakfast, I know.)
I was really glad I went even though I really didn't want to (because if I keep showing up I'll get there)
I ran today. (because I'm cool like that)
In need of a new route

I think I need to try some new routes. Its so easy to go out the door and run where I run. I'm getting bored. Really bored. I forced myself to run this morning before work. I was cranky and tired. We've had some major sleep issues with C. I didn't want to work this weekend (I know, coming from someone who works ONE weekend a month...I know.) I think it was providential that I got to run. I had one of the worst days at work in my working history. I cried when I got home. I can say I'm glad yesterday is behind me.
I plan to run today and several days in a row. I'm trying to plan for the coming long run this next weekend. I want to give myself a day or two of rest before having to run 7 miles.
Have a great Sunday!
Thursday, September 16, 2010

I begin to wonder why I'm doing this...running that is.
When I have sucky runs like the one Sunday, I think I'm not made for running. Today I had all my stuff in order and more desire to run. It felt slow, I really miss the girls when I run solo!
Wednesday the girls came at 5:45 and we did speed intervals 6x400 (with 6 recovery laps jogged) It is a challenge, but I actually kind of like these speed workouts.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
A lovely run!

Last Friday, I got on a jet plane, BYMYSELF.
The time with my sister was medicine for me alone.
The fall-ish temperatures were a bonus!
I was excited to run someplace new and it was an amazing 58 degrees outside when I got up to run! They have this awesome trail not too far from Jennifer's apartment so I ventured there! I saw three bunnies on the path! My stupid shoe thing was out of sorts again. I just ran for 55 minutes to ensure I did my 5 miles. I was not used to the hills (because Florida is FLAT) but they weren't as difficult as I might have thought.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Wild about Wednesday!

I'm so excited that we ran 4 miles this morning because it felt so cool compared to the past few months and I was comfortable.
I am a little miffed that my shoe chip seems to be a little off. We actually ran 4 miles. I know, I've clocked it. The good news is that knowing that it was 4 miles tells me that I ran it faster than I usually do!
I'm going on a little vacation in just a few days!!!!!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
FIVE miles

I sort of allowed myself a little break last week. I think I needed it. Today I got up and ran 5 miles. This was an original request of one of my running buds, who turns 30 on Sunday. She wanted to run 5 miles again before she turned the big 3-0. (we did the 1/2 marathon together a couple of years, and babies ago.) Schedule and life conflicts kept us from running the 5 together yesterday. Kristina did hers, Judy did hers and I waited until this morning.
It was great!
I changed it up and chose a different route.
I ran alone.
It was SUPER humid but not as hot and I think it made it more bearable!
I did end up walking a little near the end. I didn't eat before and I think I might have benefited from it if I had.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Running through the muck

My head is clogged with life challenges and the rut of daily life right now. I have a vacation coming up and I know it will be good for every part of me. (mom please don't call frantic that something is wrong...its not, just need a break.)
I feel strongly that if Kristina had not been driving to my house I would not have run. I cannot believe that I got so excited to see 77 degrees at 6AM instead of 82, but it was a nice change. A slight breeze even. That lasted until about the last 1/2 of the route then it was like a giant cloud came and sat on my head. Woof. I really am sick of the humidity.
We do have to step up the game a bit. Training for the half starts mid Sept and I need to add at least one more day of running a week if not two.
I know, my mood is a little sour. Like Eeyore. Some things to note:
*Its cloudy
*Been a Full Moon, and Yes, I swear my children know it and act a little crazy.
*may or may not be hormonal...OK I think hormones are to blame for everything.
*Hubs is still working about 50 or more hours a week, so thankful for his job, but makes for long days
*out of creative flare with the three year old. (see above)
Happy Hump Day.
Monday, August 23, 2010
chipping away
I weighed in today!
- 2.2 more pounds!!!!!
total loss -14.8 pounds.
Feeling great, keep on truckin!
- 2.2 more pounds!!!!!
total loss -14.8 pounds.
Feeling great, keep on truckin!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Run Ragged.

This morning my alarm went off and I said to myself, "NO.WAY."
I grabbed my phone and went to the bathroom to text my friends.
Judy had already sent a text.
Wait, first she said she's not coming, but then she said she IS coming.
Kristina overslept.
Judy and I just started walking (neither one of us felt like running)....we were about a mile in and saw some people running. We felt guilty, so we ran. My graph is ugly and I feel like it shows that I am tired today.
When all is said and done, I'm so glad we ran. I plan to do some exercise this weekend, just not running. I think the heat/humidity is wearing me down. Perhaps I will be able to run in NC in a few weeks!!!
Happy Friday.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Shooting Stars and Armadillos

I was really hoping to only run 3 miles today, felt so good, we did 4!!!
On the run I dodged the regular obstacle course of gigantor grasshoppers, saw a shooting star, and had a run in with an armadillo (those are creepy little animals, who cannot see where they are going. I was karate chopping my foot to get it to go away!)
Happy Hump Day!
On the run I dodged the regular obstacle course of gigantor grasshoppers, saw a shooting star, and had a run in with an armadillo (those are creepy little animals, who cannot see where they are going. I was karate chopping my foot to get it to go away!)
Happy Hump Day!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tour de Pain

I do not have a graph of the 4 mi beach race from Friday night. The gun went off and I hit start on my ipod and it froze. Awesome.
Friday began with the 4 mi race on the beach.
7:30 pm
It was hard. I finished. I did not walk once. I just kept saying in my head (because I was tired of hearing myself suck air and feet on the sand) "just keep running, you will be there soon" I did feel like the finish line was being moved back as I ran toward it.
Saturday morning came quick. By 6:45 AM I headed out for the 5K. I was starting to realize why this was called the Tour de Pain (I hear this in my head said with one of those plastic microphones that echos...) It was hot and humid to the bazillionth degree. I was feeling it all by 2.5 mi and had to walk a few times. I did finish!
The grand finale came Saturday at 5pm. It had rained before it was time for the race. You might think that would help the blistering conditions...but it didn't. It was like a sauna. This was 1 mile. I was so nervous. I didn't know what I had left to give. I did it. I finished!
Saturday night I slept terribly and ended up getting sick. I think I was dehydrated. Sunday was spent resting/recovering. I am really glad I challenged myself to do this race series. I definitely learn something about running and/or myself with each race. I also know I have the most amazing cheerleaders in my family and friends! That makes a huge difference!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Running in mud
Monday, August 2, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Its working!
This is a few days late.
Still worth mentioning.
I weighed in Monday.
I lost 1.4 pounds.
Total weight loss -11.4 pounds!!!!! (in 6 weeks)
I am loving it!
Still worth mentioning.
I weighed in Monday.
I lost 1.4 pounds.
Total weight loss -11.4 pounds!!!!! (in 6 weeks)
I am loving it!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
While I am slightly irritated at myself for leaving the sensor part of my Nike+ at home and do not have a graph...I am so proud to say that
I RAN 4 MILES this morning!
I picked up Kristina at 5:30 and got to Judy's at 5:45. I had lots of frustrations and ick to run out. And run I did. I felt so strong and comfortable. While I know that I will have hard days, today was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Friday!
I RAN 4 MILES this morning!
I picked up Kristina at 5:30 and got to Judy's at 5:45. I had lots of frustrations and ick to run out. And run I did. I felt so strong and comfortable. While I know that I will have hard days, today was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The early bird
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Weigh in
I forgot to post last night.
I weighed in last night...
Lost some more poundage!
Total loss is
-8.8 (in 5 weeks)
I think the decision to have my weigh in day to be Monday helps keep me on track throughout the week, especially the weekend!!!
I weighed in last night...
Lost some more poundage!
Total loss is
-8.8 (in 5 weeks)
I think the decision to have my weigh in day to be Monday helps keep me on track throughout the week, especially the weekend!!!
Tuesday Challenge

I set my alarm for 6:15 this morning. I woke up at 6:10!! I got ready and got out the door. I decided last minute to only do 2 miles because of my small hiatus last week. I will do 3 on Thursday. I was totally surprised that the whole time I felt so comfortable. While I was running I thought of a challenge for my sister! :) I want to challenge you to run one mile this week. I know, its hot. So, get up early! You don't have to go to you could get back in bed or take a nap! Mostly, I'm bored of reading my own posts on this blog!!! Love you.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A whole week...

since I ran last.
I got sick early last week and it kept me from going.
The ugly truth is, the more days that go by without running the more I believe that I cannot do it. Its just too hard. Takes too long. Too hot. get the point.
I just did 2 miles today. It was hot so I let Chloe spray me with the hose when I got home. If I had a pool I would have jumped in. The run felt good. Now, I hope to be back on track.
Happy Sunday!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July!!

My little family plus in-laws were cheering me on in front of my house which was lined with American flags thanks to Becky!!!! It was fun!!!!! 5K great way to start a holiday. Up next...stay tuned.
Hey Jennifer...Ya there?! Just checking.
**Edited to add**
my official time from the race. The 33:24 is my time with handicap figured in.
34 198 23 Elizabeth Whitehill, 29, Jacksonville, FL 33:24 10:46 33:49
Friday, July 2, 2010

It has rained LOTS this week. I got the chance to get in 2 miles tonight. I felt good and fast. The fast part has me mentally preparing to start smart Sunday morning. I don't want to start too fast. This will take some work. Its easy to get caught up in the atmosphere of the event and not have your head and your pace in check. I think that being in registered is my main motivation these days...whatever it takes. Happy 4th of July weekend!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Where'd they go?
-7.4 lbs
Where'd they go? Who cares. I am not carrying them around anymore!
I've been following weight watchers and attending meetings since June 16th. I am feeling great and I've even eaten out, and enjoyed a birthday with cake. Yay!!!!
Where'd they go? Who cares. I am not carrying them around anymore!
I've been following weight watchers and attending meetings since June 16th. I am feeling great and I've even eaten out, and enjoyed a birthday with cake. Yay!!!!
Rain, rain...relax a little!

After resisting all week...even though I am signed up for a 5K Sunday, I couldn't get myself to run this week. I wanted to take it a little easy, but didn't intend to slack this much. OK enough of that junk. I ran tonight. It was humid as all get out. Its been raining here, LOTS. It rained all day. This evening it was not raining, but humid. I had to stop and walk a few short times. All in all, I felt good. I was running faster than I usually do. I think I will run again Fri maybe 2.5 miles before the 5 K.
Hey Ju-Ju...would love to see a post from you. I know you can do it. Heat or not. Go for a run then jump in the pool!! :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Weekend Workouts

I have been in a sluggish kind of state when I think of running or working out. I love the way it feels. Yesterday we went to the park and I sweated something fierce...would have been easy to tell myself that that was enough. I got my bee-hind on the elliptical and did 30 minutes...360 calories burned later, I felt great. I think I would describe the feeling like after you've felt emotional and had ick bottled up and you just go ahead and have a good 'ol cry. Then you take a deep breath and all is getting right with the world again, that is how I feel. I like it!
This morning I toyed with not running...again.
I took Chloe because she was TIRED from her sleepover.
It was H.A.R.D. and hot. Pushing that stroller is brutal. Glad I took her, she slept the whole time. I had to stop and walk a block, but I still did it. No more talking myself out of it...its too exhausting.
This morning I toyed with not running...again.
I took Chloe because she was TIRED from her sleepover.
It was H.A.R.D. and hot. Pushing that stroller is brutal. Glad I took her, she slept the whole time. I had to stop and walk a block, but I still did it. No more talking myself out of it...its too exhausting.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Summer Day 1
I am posting this because I want to make sure I don't give up working out and I give myself "credit" for all that I do. I am trying to train my mind that any amount of moving is moving.
So: Summer Day 1
Ran/walk 2 miles
Ab Assault Ball video
So: Summer Day 1
Ran/walk 2 miles
Ab Assault Ball video
Tuesday after...

I had intentions to run yesterday. My son was up several times Sun. night, I was so tired Monday morning. That was the excuse I used. I had intentions to run this morning. I forgot to set an alarm. I didn't have time to get it done before my husband had to leave for work...that was the excuse I was going to use. He assured me that I had time. I went. I am with Jennifer, we completed the training 9 weeks in a row. We don't have to be crazy about completing 3mi/3x per week. Just getting off the couch and moving is a huge accomplishment. My heel/leg was hurting bad this morning. I will run again Thursday. Glad I didn't use my excuse and miss out on exercise this morning.
A new mindset
This was weird. I have finished the Couch 2 5K program. So...I knew that I wanted to keep running, because it was a huge accomplishment that I even started and didn't want to stop.
Yeah, I know...but.
It is SOOOOO HOT! Not, Jennifer is complaining because there is no A/C outdoors hot, but OMG Heat Advisory, Caution, Stay indoors hot. So, I was nervous to run.
Then, about 7:30...I kind of had my mind made up that I wasn't going to run today. I would do it tomorrow. Then I knew that tomorrow would turn into tomorrows and tomorrows would turn into weeks and so on. I also knew that I would feel like a failure and give it all up. Then, I realized that maybe it was the 3.1 miles I was dreading.
So I got up and got changed. See, I realized that just because I finished the C25K program, doesn't mean I HAVE to run 3.1 miles every time. The goal was to get me MOVING. Is 1 or 2 miles less than 3? Yes, but it is more than NOTHING. With that I gave myself permission to run less. So, I ran. Yes, less, but I ran. (And I get the heat advisory thing :) Do I feel like a small failure? Maybe, but not as much as I would have watching TV doing nothing.
Does any of this make sense?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Run for the pies!

Well...I ran an official 5K race. My graph is crazy. Probably trying to focus on the pace (that was REALLY hard) also people would run past and then walk and I felt like I was dodging people lots. I think the time (34 min) is very close to accurate. I had fun! Josh and Chloe went to support me and Chloe thought she was going to run too! Maybe one day! I think I will continue running approx 3X/week but I want to mix it up on the off days.
C25K Day Twenty-seven
Otherwise known as complete.
I have finished a running program that I set out to do! I can't believe it!
Tonight I promised Beth I would run at the same time that she was running in her race, and that honestly, is what got me through part of this. It was SOOOO humid outside.
But, I did it! I FINISHED!!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Idea #1
This run excites me because it comes down our street!!!
Idea# 2
This one is a little crazy, but a fun reasonable push. It also comes down our street.
Maybe continuing to do a 5K race a month and begin training for the 1/2 marathon on Thanksgiving Day...just some thoughts.
Tomorrow, tomorrow...
I got my race packet today!!!
I am excited. I am encouraged with ideas on what to train for continues :)
Here is a picture of the cute race shirt-
Thursday, June 10, 2010
C25K Day Twenty-six
I am going to be 100% honest. I had myself TALKED OUT of this run for the day. I had every justifiable reason. Check out the conversation between my brain and my body.
Brain: It is your last day of school.
Body: Your sister wants you to run. Come on, we can do it.
Brain: But, it is the HOTTEST day yet.
Body: If you don't go today, it will be the FIRST time you have not followed the program. Do you want to do that on your last week? You know no matter what, you will view it as a failure.
Brain: But, you went out for an adult beverage with your co-workers to celebrate your last day of school.
Body: I am dressed, shoes and all. Let's go!
Not sure yet if I am glad I did. Just kidding. I am...I am surely showing effects of not having had enough water, so gotta go chug some H2O!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
C25K Day Twenty-five
I did it. Oh my gosh! I did what I set out to do. I ran a 5K. I am speechless (and have a wicked graph too!)
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yes, ya'll! I had a little wine/cheese get together at my house last night. I may and may not have had a few too many beverages. I may or may not have been up until after midnight. I may or may not have gotten out of bed with a GIANT headache and a little wooziness at approx. 2 AM...and then slept on the couch.
I DID just complete Couch to 5K Week 9, Day 1!!!!
That is 30 minutes of running. I felt pretty darn good.
The real Superwoman is my mother who watched my children last night and then kept Chloe for the night. Harrison slept until 6:30 this morning! Thanks mom!!!!
I am posting my graph, which shows that I appropriately was running out of steam at the bitter end. I am also posting the local weather...showing just how crazy it is that I just completed this with the above mentioned festivities and the temps/conditions.
OHhhhhhhh yeah! I also moved to Orange Level!!!!!
I DID just complete Couch to 5K Week 9, Day 1!!!!
That is 30 minutes of running. I felt pretty darn good.
The real Superwoman is my mother who watched my children last night and then kept Chloe for the night. Harrison slept until 6:30 this morning! Thanks mom!!!!
I am posting my graph, which shows that I appropriately was running out of steam at the bitter end. I am also posting the local weather...showing just how crazy it is that I just completed this with the above mentioned festivities and the temps/conditions.
OHhhhhhhh yeah! I also moved to Orange Level!!!!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
C25K Day Twenty-four
One more week and I will be running a 5K. That is INSANE!
Breathing was a little difficult today, but it was HOT and in the morning, when I usually run at night.
I still cannot believe, I, Jennifer Marie, am running.
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