Friday, January 8, 2010

An update

Hey hey! Its Friday! Its wet and cold here...I am getting slightly annoyed at the talk of possible "snow" HA! If anything I think we might get like one snowFLAKE...that's IT. So, I wish they'd just stop talking about it!

I am so happy to say that I have used the elliptical machine everyday this week since Sunday. I've been doing at least 30 minutes. It feels good. I am trying to do it once every day for 30 days straight as I hope it will become a habit that way. It really is nice to just have some time to clear my head. I also don't think enough is said about how good sweating feels!
I have also stayed within my ww points so far. I usually get a little lenient on the weekends, but this is something I am trying to make a habit as well. I am going to try to stick to my points for one whole month. It has been all about planning. With the little ones, I am often the last to eat or snack and I am learning how to balance it all. One thing is for sure, I am good at the mindless snacking. That is a hard habit to break...that and the thought that the weekend means free-for-all.
Hope the weekend is great! I will weigh in on Sunday and post my progress.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday...or Mooooday


My Monday was really eventful. I was in a really bad mood yesterday because I knew I had to go back to work today. I DID not want to go. I have never been quite this bad. Then, my hearing aid had decided to go kuput on me, AND I had a dermatoligist appointment that I was a little worried about. Sooo....with all that being said, I decided to not slam myself. I set three small goals. One, to get up on time....not to hit snooze. Two, to drink all my water. Three, to have a positive attitude. I know that I SHOULD be counting points, because life will never wait or be easy, but it just wasn't in the cards for me today.

Goal one: check

Goal two: not quite...I think a large part of this is getting used to my school routine again and carrying my water with me in my crazy schedule and getting down to the cafeteria for refills.

Goal three: In spite of everything (going back to work, having my hearing aid sent off, so I am without it, finding out the compressor in my heater is shot and they have to order a new unit, ants on the inside of my windows, derm appointment that took 2 hours), I maintained a really positive attitude. (At least I have a job, the hearing aid is still under warranty and it will get fixed, I live in an apartment, so I am not paying for the new ac unit, the ants just need some place warm, and the apt pays for an exterminator, and lastly, my derm appointment was completely clear! CANCER free.

Okay...enough of my success/fail story.

One thing I definitely do is put a slice of cheese in my sandwich. I love swiss cheese.

I also usually have a yogurt with my lunch. If not a yogurt, then I have string cheese.

Also, sometimes for breakfast, in a rush, I have Carnation's Instant Breakfast, which is made with milk. When I have more time, I make my oatmeal with milk instead of water to get my milk in.

Any other ideas?

Love you!


Anyone (Jennifer, since you are the other person that reads this blog...) have trouble getting 2-3 milks in each day? I really struggle with this area.
Today has been easier with my points, I have not felt as hungry all day.
I also just finished 30 minutes on the elliptical. It was a challenge but a great stress relief. I really do like the feeling after a good sweat.
How was your Monday?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day one

I started things today.
I dread Mondays, every week, every month.
I decided that tomorrow will be hard because my sweet husband has to return to work after being with us for two weeks. Its been so wonderful, so now back into reality. So, I started today.
In some ways, I very much look forward to routine and structure.
Today I stayed within my weight watchers points. This was hard. It will get easier. I have just made a habit out of snacking mindlessly. It really helps me to plan ahead.
I also did 20 minutes on our new equipment! It looks easy in my head...20 minutes was enough to make me sweat, but that had to be enough for day one! Looking forward to making that a daily thing. I really did enjoy a good sweat.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A new beginning...take 2

I too am ready for a healthier year. I don't have pregnancy excuses, just bad habits. I am not one for New Year's resolutions, but I do have goals.

Goal #1: Lose 17 pounds to start

Goal #2: Work out 5 of 7 days. Even if it is something small like yoga on the Wii Fit. Movement.

Goal #3: Give up Dr. Pepper. I know...I have until my birthday to give it up! Wish me luck!

Us sisters are ready to do this! Anyone else on board? Hello? Testing...testing...:)

A New Beginning!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, its Saturday night!

Yes, I am motivated!!!

I have not been driven to lose weight for quite some time as I got pregnant and have been trying to take care of my family's new needs. I am ready.

I do not like New Year's resolutions...but this year, I am making them. Really, they are goals. I am READY!

I am starting tomorrow. No day will be a failure, just a learning curve. I am ready!

Are you?

Look at this beauty...

Yes, Chloe but really, the elliptical machine! It was delivered this morning and my amazing husband put it together! I am excited for great workouts. I am ready!!!!!!!