Saturday, May 29, 2010

C25K Day Twenty-one


Today, I sure did do something I used to always make fun of.  Someone had stopped and asked me for directions, and yes ma'am, I sure did run in place while talking.  Oh boy.

This run was better feeling than Thursday.  My legs were TIRED, but it was good.  I was able to visualize the finish to keep me going!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Operator Error

I did my run this morning. I am pretty sure it was slower than Tuesdays...I won't ever know though. I was trying to turn up the volume on the ipod when I had a little over a minute of running left. It was then I realized that somehow I had paused the Nike+ in my driveway. Today I have no graph. I did run. I do feel great. Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

C25K Day Twenty

Here's the thing...I am REALLY grateful for my Nike+ that creates my little graphs.  

See, I had the hardest run.  I am still sick and it was HOT.  I ran right when I got home, so I could get it over with, and whew...the whole time I was running, my breathing would be okay at parts, but not great because I am sick.  Then, my right leg started feeling like I was putting allll my weight on that side.  I seriously started leaning to the left to get rid of the feeling (it didn't work).  The whole time I just kept telling myself, just keep running, it's okay if you slow down, just keep going.  I almost gave myself permission to walk, but then the other voice said, no, if you walk, you won't run again this shot.  Soooo...I was totally prepared for an all over the place graph with a super slow time.

I am REALLY grateful for my Nike+ that proves me wrong.

Oh and by the way....Jennifer's mind: 1, Running: 0.  Booyah!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

C25K Day Nineteen

Ugh!  This was HARD!  I am sicko to the max and almost didn't go today.  But, I sucked it up and went anyways!  I slowed down at some parts, but I didn't stop running!  Whooo hoo!

Now to go throw up (not really, but I wish I could!)  TMI?  Oh, sorry! 

Rain, rain, you can't stop me!!

I was all ready physically and mentally this morning to run. I woke up at 6:25 and heard rain. Poo! I got up and started my day with coffee and mentally shut off running. I noticed at 7:05 that the rain had stopped, looked out the window and it was mostly clear blue skies. Poo again! I technically had time to go. I mentally checked out. Most of the day it weighed on me because I wanted to do it! I decided around 3:45 to go. Got myself ready, looked out the window, RAIN! POO! (seeing a trend?!) The rain stopped and I did it. I was feeling like a slug earlier and now I feel like I love to feel. A great sweat. I did good time. Looking forward to Thursday. Also, just want to note that it was easier to run sans Chloe and the jogging stroller.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week Seven!!!!

Week seven! I got up this morning and Chloe was awake...I had the bright idea that I would just take her in the jogger with me. SAYWHAT?! I even knew that I had to run 25 minutes. Crazy. Really though it wasn't horrible. I am glad that I don't take a child all the time...maybe Tuesday will feel easy without a kiddo. Today really wasn't bad. I felt even paced and comfortable. My right knee was feeling tired and I just felt out of energy by the end, but I completed it. With child. Happy Sunday!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

C25K Day Eighteen

I DID IT!!!!  This is my longest run!!!!!!!!

I taped my Nike+ down, so now it seems to be reading more accurate.  For a split second, I got down on myself, because now other graphs aren't accurate, and it will be a while before I can "beat" what they have already claimed I can do....but that was a SPLIT second.  I just r.a.n. for 25 minutes WITHOUT STOPPING.  Yes ma'am, I did.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

C25K Day Seventeen

Well, this little run KICKED MY BUTT!  I really, really had to talk myself through this one.  Whooooo....I don't know if it was because at the beginning my neighbor stopped me, or it was hotter, or I had a long day, or my nose is still stopped up, or that there are no excuses and it was just hard!  

Yowsers about 25 minutes....I am the little engine that could.

The Longest Yet!

I did it!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

C25K Day Sixteen

Today was my easiest run yet!  The weather was perfect!  73 degrees with a light breeze.  I felt so good the whole time and didn't have any problem "getting through" a run.  AWESOME!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

C25K Day Fifteen


I, Jennifer Marie, ran for 20 minutes straight.  Yes, I did!  I r.a.n. for 20 minutes with zero stopping or side stitches.  I also, ta da, ran my fastest mile.  Holy moly.

Umm...hello?  Jennifer?  Who are you?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

C25K Day Fourteen and sick!

I ran today and it was hard because I am sicko!  But, I knew that if I got off the schedule I would quit, so I ran the whole 8 minutes times 2.  The second one was harder because my throat was so dry and I was coughing and crying, but I did it!  HUGE accomplishment.

Funny thing...I was just on the phone with my sister today complaining that I wanted to change the color of my, the color changes....turns out it changes as an accomplishment.  I have logged in 30+ miles with, so it changed from yellow to orange.  Go me!!

And way to go Beth on the techy stuff!  Great job!

I'm learning here...

I am trying to be so High-Tech! I did my first full 20 minute run and it was great overall. TOTAL mind game for me. I can do this, I know it. I ran 13.1 miles once. Here is my graph:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week 5, Day 2

I was excited to try out my ipod gadget. NO GO. AARRGGHH. I thought I had it all figured out. I got all the gear on and I could not figure out how to get the Nike part to acknowledged the podcast. Am I retarded?

In other news, I completed day 2! It was a little less comfortable. I did it and I look forward to my 20 minute run!

(any help from the techie is appreciated!)

Monday, May 10, 2010

C25K Day Thirteen

I don't like my graph of this day, because of that dip in the would be one thing if I stopped, but I didn't....I ran the whole five minutes times 3.  Oh well...I can't let the not pretty graph get me down.  I ran 15 minutes!  (Let's not talk about Day Three...)  I know I ran, so I must have slowed down significantly or something.  Something to work on!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week FIVE!

I think I finally figured out my new running gadget and next post might just be a bit fancy! Today is Mother's Day! I was woken at 6 AM by both kiddos. I wouldn't trade it. I got out the door for day one of week 5. This morning was like a gift in that the air was clear and cool. Perfect. I was so comfortable in my runs. The encouragement I needed to continue this training.
I am so proud to have completed all the weeks thus far and look forward to what is ahead.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

C25K Day Twelve

MY BEST MILE YET! YEAH!!!!! I felt great this didn't get hard until the halfway mark of the first 5 minute run. So, that was a huge improvement. The last minute was really hard, but now I can see that I was pushing it, so that's great!!!

I have finished FOUR weeks of a running program!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

C25K Day Eleven

Whew...this is a funny thing for me.  I did it again.  And every single time, I shock myself.  Me....I did it.  Today was hard like Monday, and it was H.O.T.  Before I went running, I went to the running store across the street ( and tried to get my feet measured.  That was a really positive experience and if anyone is reading this...I HIGHLY recommend them!  They aren't out to sell you something, they really want you to enjoy the experience of running with the right equipment.  

Anyways, back to the run.  The WHOLE run I was really having to talk to myself in my head and push it...not to stop.  I just knew the whole time that I was doing really terrible and that it wasn't as good as Monday, but that didn't matter, because at least I was running.  My knees really bothered me at the beginning and I was acting a little like my niece C, when she hurt her heel and preceded to walk on her tip toes for an entire weekend.  I was just scared to make it worse.

Lo and behold...I did better.  I yet again, hit my fastest mile yet.  Better than Monday...boy, I don't know what is going to get me to stop my negativity about myself, but this sure is helping!

Hang in there Bethers!  This is hard, but we are still doing it!  You are done with week 4.  I have one more day!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

C25K Day Ten

Three words:


I really thought I was going to psych myself out of this one.  But I did it...I just kept running.  I didn't stop to walk during the times I was supposed to run!!!  I surprised myself.  Today was the first day that I REALLY feel it in my legs.  My left shin is hurting, but I am just going to keep stretching it tonight.


A voice came on at the end and told me, "Congratulations, that was your best mile yet!"

C25K Day Nine

I got to run with my SISTER!!!!  That was the best part for me.  It was more difficult running in humid Florida, but I did it and was soooo thankful when on the last three minute run, Beth waited and ran with me!  So nice to do something like this with my sister.  I feel so connected and encouraged, even though we don't always run together, I feel like we do.