Friday, January 2, 2009

A new start

Welcome 2009!
I do not know where I've been lately...oh, wait-I do! I've fallen off the wagon of caring about losing weight and I have completely eaten and drank my way through the holidays. I feel like a lazy slug and I am more motivated than I have been in a long while. I do not make New Year's Resolutions because I find them to be cliche. I have set some goals for the coming months.
I bought a scale to keep track of my weight/progress weekly.
I made three posters for Jan/Feb/Mar with a training schedule for a 15K in March.
I will track my weekly weight/progress on these calendars also.
I bought a small journal/book where I will write my food and points.
My goal is small with wanting to lose 10 pounds. I may surpass this but I was something that seems reachable. I also hope to post my progress and write about the process on this blog more often. Looking forward to it.
What about you?
Happy New Year.

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